If 09 goes like the last day of 08 for the SMS crew, the future looks good. Temps dropped a bit but once again we had blue skies and a killer park-to-pipe run. A friend of mine, Laura Austin who is out here shooting photos for EXPN shot with us today. She was impressed with the team and its always great to hear that from an outsider. The photos in this entry are a taste of her style.
Highlights were similar to yesterday and most of it was documented. Emily landed a switch front board, Mike Perle has a worthy slope run down, and TTK was mixing up his handplant grabs.
Gotta keep this one short, so I will cut to the real performer of the day, Rick Shimpeno. The dude is on fire and we have the footage and photos to prove it. I think he got the cover shot for Woodward Copper, handplanting on an A-frame in the woods. Shot of the trip, no doubt. And that was in the half an hour he was not shooting photos himself.
After shredding the coaches got a bit selfish and had a last skate of 08 at the Woodward bowl. The kids were patient and Rick got down some more. Coach of the year, underground style.
Best wishes to all SMS fam and supporters. May 09 be oh so fine. Dave Redden, you rule. The Burning Man comment was unconscious.