The team made it up to Maine without incident. Dave Redden lead the caravan over the frost-heavy roads of NH and Maine and we arrived in under 6 hrs. It was nice to see the ski team up here too, SMS has taken over. The weather made for a tough morning at Sugarloaf, 70mph winds up top and glare ice all over the mountain. The slope parks were too icy to open, which lead us to the halfpipe. In moments we had 15 plus kids hiking the pipe and throwing down. Regular-rider's backside wall softened up quick which was conducive to progression. Joe Mencsh lead the charge all day, boosting and liking tricks with style.
Connor Hudson, who had broken his collarbone in December trying back 9s climbed right back on the horse. It was sick to watch him relearn back 5s and 7s in under an hour and then land a back 9. Comeback complete, nice job. Shelb was grabbing her back 5s, which will lead to a big jump in her HP run score. Chris Tierney landed Haokkenflips, Hunter front 9s, and Austin back 7s. Phoebe learned grabbed back 360s and Emily E is close to back 5s. Eric Beauchemin RODE AND HIKED THE HALFPIPE TODAY. Yes I said Eric B RODE PIPE TODAY, and he could have landed front 9s if he had not bottomed out 5 times on sick front 7s. Here is the proof:

Jin Wook was also riding strong with his trademark air to fakies (see photo).

Tomorrow is the first official training day. At this point in the year the crew is riding and competing like they mean it and we all expect great results.
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