Clean day one to say the least. We rode from nine thirty until two. We didn't stop for lunch but all ate at the top of the pipe. The Windell's Camp Crew did not open their park and pipe until noon in order to be sure the rebuilt features hold for the week long session. A good call if surprising. This being the case we explored the public park and pipe for longer and the features are pretty great to ride. Fewer bells and whistles than the big name camps. When we got into the Pipe at Windell's it was us and the GMST crew. We all tuned into the pipe in our own ways. For example:
There are no girls anywhere in the world that did as many three to three runs in a halfpipe today as did Jen, Shelby and Phoebe.
Nobody at world famous Windell's camp went bigger than Joe Mensch on his FS wall.
Josh Spun fives and threes. He claims that he and Kyle own the up box.
Kyle Dorfman: Welcome to SMS Snowboarding. Check him out on the dfd rail photo. He skated so hard at Windell's skate park this afternoon that his skate literally shot into the air and dissappeared into oblivion. Poof. Gonzo.
Alex bayer who also loves the skate park is our most experienced Mt Hood snowboarder and has helped lead at every turn. Congratulations. SMS oh-nine!
Eric B? Just another day doing more tricks on more features than the rest of the known/visible world.
The clouds rolled through and kind of slowed the pipe riding but we supplemented the runs with Windells Tbar accessed lower park to wrap the day on snow.
We snacked on the way home and shopped for more food.
We rested for twenty minutes at our HQ.
We ran two miles at the Wildwood Recreation Area in the Cascade Wilderness. There is a half mile loop of gravel winding through the moss covered woods. It's the best measured running spot I can recall. Period. There are ball fields in the immediate vicinty for our core and plyo work. This place is less than two miles from our Cabin.
And that is how we got used to the pipe.
Needless to say the kids are getting quiet already. I can barely move and yet Im stoked to get over to Windells at 6:30 am and get those tickets. Thank You.
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