There is no jump line up yet, which gives us a chance to work on the second half of slopestyle, rails. The mission today was to choose a trick on two rail features, land it, and mimic it switch. The tricks these guys chose were creative and challenging (for example, James Haffner nollie tailslide 270s and the mirror fakie tailslide 270). Trust me, the USSA judges would miscall that one. By lunchtime the mission was accomplished, not George Bush style, Elite Team style. Team rookies Chris Tierney and Mike Perle kept right up and chose killer tricks. These two ooooozze style and are the future of this program.
At one rail we caught up with the Pro/Ams and in the short time we shared I was impressed with Kyle Dorfman's trick choices and Dan Landy's unbeatable character. Few want to ride a snowboard more than Dan Landy and his attitude and exuberance are very James Haffner-esque. Did not have time to shoot many photos, but trust me the tricks were worthy. This poorly shot pic of James is all I came up with, but you can see some style.
As fun as the riding was, the Elite Team workout session topped it for laughs. After a good workout, Hunter Wood purchased a women's one-piece swimsuit and hit the crowded swimming pool. Jaws dropped and one High School girl's ski team will never be the same. Hunter blew our minds and cramped our stomachs with laughter. Start to finish today, the thought that dominated my mind was, I love my Team.
OMG, that's my boy!
OMG, say it isn't boy? I bet that was a sight!
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