Ian Kirk, Scott Johnston and Mike Sullivan have been here for a week already and are working on snow, in the gym, the skatepark and in the homes taking the kids through every phase of their days.
22 feet of elliptical transition. Snowplex Jumps and Safe Landings.
I stayed home for Thanksgiving and likewise for most of my Elite Girls Crew. In our third day on snow together for the season we are finding ours skills returning as we get used to altitude, edging, speed and impact. Serena took a tough crash last week so she is taking the time to focus on her straight airs (non rotation tricks) until riding is more pain free. I know she is frustrated. She is one of the most driven athletes I have been around. Check out how she deals with the pain.
Jenn Cohen is starting her senior year on snow with some increased amplitude to compliment her solid stance and smoothe style.
Frontside air 25feet above the floor.
Kiley K fitting in and a bit above.
New SMS snowboard athlete Kiley Kennedy joined the program at the Denver airport and has made a seamless transition, giving every appearance of a seasoned team member. While the rest of the crew has been bouncing and skating, training, eating , breathing and watching snowboarding KK has been playing soccer at Choate. The change in her riding in three days shows promise for another great season. KK was an age group national freestyle champ last year. Welcome aboard.
Senior Slopestyle standout India Stephenson is working her edges and using the pipe training to build those slope skills. Tomorrow IK is taking her to Breck to ride some jumps and rails. Her idea of a good ride is stomping a long spin en rte to a steel rail. I think she will love it.
Phoebe Novello is nursing that sprained ankle from a month ago but she says the chairlift is what hurts the most. So PN rides the chair switch and hikes a bit. She does not stop. It was tough to choose which photo to show of Phoebe.
How about a nice big lien air. YUP.
Finally I am proud to report that senior Shelby Simpson, a four year SMS student athlete is daily cementing her grand dame status on the Team. Shelby is the proud owner of one of the nations more progressive pipe runs and her strength on board right now is telling me that the progression is going to come with amplitude this year.
Front side air.
We left the snow for the Woodward
indoor skate, and air awareness gym. The facility is THE state of the art jump training center with foam pits next to trampolines and beneath snowplex jumps. Surrounding these great fixtures are numerous skate ramps and bowls. I cant help but see something similar as part of the SMS campus someday. Our clinic guide was none other than Rick Shimpeno (longtime sms coach) accompanied by former Green Mtn Series Halfpipe Overall Champ and SMS alum Kim Stacey. Even on these busiest days the girls lament the absence of Mak T here and wish for her speedy return. These girls will train on snow at Copper again tomorrow and kickbox at the Rec Center . Yoga in the am and rest on weds.
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