If day one in NZ is any indication of the future of this young, fresh SMS Team, then the future looks good. As a coach I never like to start a trip with a cloudy, wet day at a resort with zero visibility and one lift open. It takes effort to stoke the flames and keep kids, who are excited to travel across the world to shred, in the positive vibe zone. I did not need to stress for long today though, this crew will ride any trail in any conditions with zeal at this point. No park, no pipe, no problem! Why not wallride fences all the way down the trail (see Kyle Dorfman photo), and grind chainlink fences (see Biba Turnbull photo). This is the energy and spirit of snowboarding that I love!!! Nothing worse than kids who don't know what to do without resort-made features. These kids rode it the style of Randall Stacy, James Haffner, Beauchemin and Tikos who could and would always create their own stoke.

There were a few short boxes up and it was killer to see how the Best Upcoming Female Squad threw down. Inspired by Ty Walker, the shredettes all worked on and landed tech moves like the front board pretzel, front crooks pretzel and lipslide sameway. Very impressive and I am so proud to have Quincy and Biba pushing the stoke for the established Novello/Shaw duo.
After a few hours of this high-intensity reintroduction to snow, we dealt with the season pass office for an hour or so before calling it quits for the day. As we rolled out the clouds did the same, granting us a view of the park that had been closed and invisible to us all morning. OH MY was all I could say, the set up looks sick. All who saw the park will probably hit the sack at 6 pm tonight just to rush the arrival of Day 2. Killer jumps, tons of rails and a 22 ft pipe await us tomorrow.
As much as the morning would have been a bummer in other situations, it was a perfect way to hold back before devouring the first class set up. Big things coming!
The afternoon included a Dave Redden core session, a short run led by Phoebe Novello and a blast of a skate session with Hunter Wood, Kyle Dorf, and Dan Landy.
Day one: Shred with a new crew, observe new styles coming together, skate with good homies, workout, and a Taco dinner coming up! So dope.
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