The foliage in VT may be a cliche to some people. The winter may be the priority for many up here. Myself I have always loved the fall the most and this year is one of the best in memory. Wednesday's sunrise county road loop may have been the highlight. Just to see the glowing-orange-tunnel-like-canopy over the county road dirt as we pass the Tierney/Powers compound is a compelling passage. The running is easy after so many laps this year and even the mighty Brazer's Way hill was pretty comfortable. The air was cold but the view made it all painless. Perhaps your children have a different experience but I promise they will cherish the memories. Regardless of their perspective or appreciation of a new england vista they are all in better physical shape than they arrived in.
They have survived the Anotomical Adaptation period of the first five weeks of dryland training. They are well adjusted to the schedule. Their reps will now decrease, and the weights used will be heavier. The focus of the training is still functional strength and mobilty, implementing games as often as possible to keep the movements real and the motivation high but everything is now more intense.
Parents weekend was great. It really is nice to see everyone's families in town and on campus. All of our new community members are into the swing and today we have wrapped up the registration for all prequalified Rev Tour athletes. USSA had a few old email addresses but the loose ends are tied. It feels good to be in sync with the season. Tuesday the next round of spots will be taken on a first come first served basis. If your son or daughter has a rev tour event on his/her schedule please make sure your coach has their USSA and FIS license numbers and a CC to use for registration. The coaching staff will do the online registrations for these events.( and in general ONLY these events.)
Today at 4:00 pm the SMS Skate Team is hosting a Contest/Fundraiser at our Skatepark. Funds raised will be given to the family of Micheal Schwarz to help defray the costs of his ongoing care. Mike suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury in last spring's World Quarterpipe Championships. He is a southern VT. Local and close friend of SMS Snowboard Coaches Scotty J and Ian Kirk. Any donations should be directed to
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