As for the original members, they are learning new tricks daily and developing as skaters and classmates. Connor Hudson blew my mind yesterday with a HURRICANE on tranny (pool coping even!).

RANDALL STACY lives by the motto "Git Tricks or Die Tryin'". And the tricks he's choosin, OMG! Switch frontside 50-50s and straight-up BLUNT-TO-FAKIE:

Team Inspiration JAMES HAFFNER continues to be the one we all look to and admire for his style, nerve and equanimity. Check this BACK-LIP on the Jersey Barrier.

James has been with the skate team since day one. Last night I began to lament his passing, months before graduation. He has been the spirit of the program (along with Shimpeno), and, like Shimp, he will be sorely missed next year. Same goes for Randall Stacy, who has offered blood, sweat and no tears to each session. That leaves Hunter, Hudson and Tierney to take the helm and motivate the team with tricks, courage and positive vibes.
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