Sully's full list of results tells the complete story but I have some photos from The SOVT Series slope and pipe events this past weekend at Okemo. I'm kind of a southern Southern-Vermont-sissy I guess because that place is always cold as far as I'm concerned. Saturdays slope was the toughest day of the year outside on snow- weather wise. The southern VT series is the best USASA series on the planet and they hosted a banger despite the weather. The snow was freeze dried sticky dust and dry ice. The SMS athletes wrestled and played above the start and threw down on the jumps and jibs below. I love to see the attitude in our backyard as enthusiastic as any Rocky Mtn or Sierra trip of the year. Highlights of note include getting to see the Dev Team in person. I have spent years at SMS with the teams youngest kids and it was great to see some of these new faces bring it on the cold jumps. SMS's newest athlete JP McCardle nearly tripled the first jump spinning. It did not land but that kind of attitude shows the kind of spirit we all want to work with. From the Pro-am crew I saw Cameron Howe attack with more aggression than most riders have on warm days.

Dan Landy too; Fully committed switch backside five like no-one could call switch without knowing. Heavy stuff.

The girls continue to Dominate and treated the contest as a progression test.
Final notes; some of the riders I have gotten the most used to watching ride well at the SOVT Series weekend were back doing their thing. They are Chris Tierney taking it easy coming back from the scary crash at MT Snow Rev to just easy style his way to a podium. Mike Perle winning that largest of age groups with serious tech tricks stomped.( It was Tierney and Perle taking first and second next day in pipe too). The run of the day over the icy course was James Haffner's cab seven to switch back spin. I can't make a toeside turn look as easy as he did that. Big ups to the whole crew for being smoothe in the single digits. It was not much warmer on sunday either after a big and great night at the Winter Ball. Only SMS has weekends like this one. Thanks for being the heat.
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