An awesome weather day with cold temps and sunshine heralded great riding for SMS Snowboarders. Yesterday's men's qualies started with 80 men from around the country and as far away as NZ. Sixteen made it to finals today and three were from SMS. Eric Beauchemin, Connor Hudson and Spencer Shaw all made the heavy cut with smooth, huge and tech runs. They were joined in the final today by Serena Shaw, India Stephenson and Kiley Kennedy. The girls made the cut with Serena qualifying in First Place out of forty. Kiley followed in fourth and India in sixth.

In the mens final Beauch-face-killa Eric Beauchemin put a hand down on his front ten following a sweet cab nine to bs rodeo sev to settle for fourth place. Making mistakes the kid beats 76 FIS level competitors. Connor Hudson wrapped up his killer week of competing with smooth cab fives and threes but could not get the landing gear in place for the seven during the final heat. Top fifteen and big congrats from the coaches. Two hundred and fifty for best trick added to Spencer Shaw's dream week while he finished second with a cab sev, switch back nine (best trick of the finals) to frontside ten. Man on fire.

For the women's final Serena couldn't land the beautiful Half-Cab to BS three, to mute grab that earned her the top qualifier spot. I know she was disappointed but everyone is extremely proud of the riding display she put on all day long. Check out this method from first run which was also a top run of the day.(on right). Another strong performer all day long is getting to be a regular SMS highlight reel star. Kiley Kennedy's consistency on the jumps and in the pipe this year promises huge returns for the future as she gets her technical tricks a little more dialed. I doubt any female rider rode those jumps as error free all week long. She rarely missed a grab and the switch 180 method grab(aka half-cab method) is one of the more articulated tricks of the contest. Check the style below left. Congrats on being sixth out of forty of america's best Top SMS female slopestyle riding honors went to India Stephenson today. India put together her best runs of the week after working the jump line since friday. India paid the price getting her Backside three-sixty dialed on these big and closely lined up jumps. At least once a day there was a premature landing, an edge catch or an overshoot and she stayed the course. You can see the height that these riders are sending every time to clear and I promise it's not easy to shake off a crash out there. The courage and toughness award and the fifth place spot went to India. I'm glad it finally paid off for her in the seasons most competitive Rev Tour Stop. Thanks again to all the other riders not mentioned here. It has been an impressive week and an honor working with the athletes and coaches. Scotty and the ProAm Crew represented in full with Connors riding leading that charge. Ian Kirk stepped off of snow today and got us a new flight leaving Denver at 12:45 tonight/tomorrow morning. Our Flight tomorrow was cancelled already and Kirk's footwork gets me home to my family and everyone else here back to theirs. Some are headed to the Olympics and Dan Landy is staying on course to go visit his Brother Jeremy in Tahoe. Thanks for another great trip y'all.

Yeah Indie.
Wow Indie! Are Kenney and Jo proud or What? Just a bit I'd say. Congrats to you.
Go Indie...Are Kenny and Jo proud or what??? I think sooo
Congrats to you!
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