So I was misinformed. I checked the mountain report and it read "nine inches of new snow in the last 24 hrs...". There were nine in the thin spots and a foot average. No wind. No lift lines, and contrary to popular opinion; There is after all such a thing as a friend on a pow day. The gang regrouped again and again whenever and however any splits occurred. I had help from some cool new Dev Parents out there. Geoff Geils, Greg Raith and Larry Griffin can really keep it rolling on snow and its great to see these fathers out there loving the snow as much as their kids. Scotty and Ross also helped keep my speedy riders together when our caboose was getting stretched. Ultimately though it is another new crew of young SMS riders that looked out for each other and charged as hard as any lonesome pow hound out there. All week these guys have been keeping their heads in the game for training, study hall and dryland. We rode inbounds, out the gates and as high as the copper lifts would take us. We were joined by old hands like Josh Cohen and Pete Cerulo as well as Junior elite rider Mike Perle. Mike had time in the a.m. while G.P. skiers (trained) packed the powder down in the pipe before our elite kids competing in this Weeks US Snowboard Grand Prix had to be in there for event Practice.
I rode a lift with Spencer Shaw during the afternoon GP, SB training session and he reported getting very close to his cab-Tens which meant that the practice was much better than the morning sesh. Coach Kirk reported that Hunter, Makayla, Chris, Mike, Serena and Quincy all made some good progress. Young gun Grand Prix competitor Tanner Barret told me himself when he joined us in the afternoon for some of our final laps. Sorry if I forgot any Elite riders who trained today but Good Luck to all the in the first Heavy pipe Contest of the year.
Back to my first hand experience from today: the Dev. Team...

Four Riders tipped over some of their first floaty flips ever this afternoon and here are some cool shots to back it up. No captions. Everybody ripped it. Too snowy to get more shots but these tell the tale. Thanks again.
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