The light snow and wind slowed some riders, but Spencer pleased all watching with impressive amplitude.
He wanted to have a frontside 1260 in his run but had not tried one since August. He attempted and landed 4 today, the third being his first in a competition run. Since Spencer dropped first in the Finals, this first-hit 1260 was the opening trick of the day's competition. The announcers were floored and championed the Certified Mack throughout the event.
A loss of amplitude at the end of the first run resulted in a slightly disappointing score for such a technical show. Good thing Spencer is working with Ross Powers, who tweaked his run a bit to maintain amplitude for all 5 hits.
Spencer's 10th place run started off with a massive frontside 1080 reminiscent of Danny Davis in 05. This was followed by a Cab 720, an overhead frontside air, and a backside 900 leading into the frontside 12 right in the judge's faces.
I believe Spencer took 5 runs in the pipe today and landed them all. Darn good runs too. Congrats for his highest placing in a Grand Prix, to date....
Stock Photo of C Mack and his bros in NZ. (plus his certified-Massive Lien air from saturday's final.)
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