This did not keep our riders from attacking from all angles for the entire 4hr practice. I encouraged them all to take their time and get comfy with the pipe before throwing down, and that seemed to work well. By the end of the day tricks were landed and amplitude was achieved (especially by Spencer Shaw, pictured). James, Joe and Spencer all landed 9s, and Serena, Shelby and Jenn got some 5s.
While it was hard to see our crew struggling, it was made easier by listening to the top riders gripe about the situation. I did not get much of that from our crew, who seem to realize how fortunate they are to be riding such a pipe in sunny Cali with todays best Pros. Its nice to work with kids at this level, without all the stress and pressure that comes with being a real Pro. Its much easier to progress and enjoy the process for these guys.
Quals for the first HP event start tomorrow, along with slope practice for Hunter, Indy and Serena. The next 6 days will be a blur as 3 major events are orchestrated.
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